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Being Safe on the Internet (Asia Region)
Being Safe on the Internet (Asia Region)
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Being Safe on the Internet (Asia Region)

This video includes tips on internet safety, advising young people to think carefully before they share pictures and videos on the Internet. The video covers what to do if someone you met on the Internet makes you uncomfortable – stop communication immediately and tell a trusted adult. The video advises young people not to meet someone they only met online in person, but if they do, meet in a public place and bring a friend. The video also includes a definition of cyberbullying and what to do if you are experiencing cyberbullying. Finally, the video suggests checking privacy settings and never sharing passwords.


International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education

4.1, ages 9-12
4.3, ages 9-12

Safe Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)

View videos for 4.3 (ages 9-12)

4.3, ages 12-15

Safe Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)

View videos for 4.3 (ages 12-15)