Love Matters Arabic (LMA) is an educational and interactive project that creates and makes available knowledge about Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Arabic. We look at the various topics of SRHR through a pleasure-positive lens, while taking into consideration the health and social aspects. We aim to support young people’s agency to make informed decisions that could lead to a pleasurable sexual and reproductive life by providing updated and unbiased sources of knowledge while questioning common misconceptions and changing negative attitudes towards sex, pleasure, and relationships. To reach this objective, we utilize digital spaces; such as LMA’s website and our social media channels and implement offline activities such as training diverse target groups on SRH-related topics. Furthermore, LMA builds sustainable partnerships with the actors in the field of SRHR as well as other fields. LMA was launched in March 2014 and is currently one of the projects of the Center for Development Services (CDS).
Through the partnership with Amaze, we are able to reach out to younger audiences and their caregivers using comprehensive, interactive, and high-quality videos. We work on the adaptation and contextualization of the content to fit with the Egyptian and Arabic-speaking populations’ contexts with add-on sign language translation. This provides an invaluable opportunity to bridge the gap of the scarcity of Arabic educational materials about adolescents and children’s SRHR.
Facebook: @LoveMattersArabic
Twitter: @LoveMattersAR
Instagram: @LoveMattersArabic
YouTube: @LoveMattersAR
Soundcloud: @LoveMattersAR
LinkedIn: @love-matters-arabic