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Feeling Depressed, Happy and Other Emotions (Asia Region)
Feeling Depressed, Happy and Other Emotions (Asia Region)
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Feeling Depressed, Happy and Other Emotions (Asia Region)

This video discusses how puberty and hormones can affect a person’s mental health. It also gives the signs of depression and anxiety. The video explains who to talk to when you or someone you know might be experiencing depression, anxiety, or another mental health issue. The video encourages young people to reach out to a trusted adult and reminds them that they are not alone.


International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education

5.5, ages 9-12

Finding Help and Support

View videos for 5.5 (ages 9-12)

6.1, ages 12-15

Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology

View videos for 6.1 (ages 12-15)

6.3, ages 12-15